May Energy Forecast 2024 Horoscopes

Welcome to May 2024! After the quickfire pace of April, it would be wonderful to imagine May gifting us a slowing-down energy. Some time to integrate all the shifts, changes and new ideas that have come through over the last 4 weeks. Alas, this will not be the case. The pace of business (and life) will …

April Energy Forecast 2024 Horoscopes

Welcome to April 2024! April is without question one of the most important months of 2024. Get ready for CHANGE! If you’ve been sitting with an idea or dream for a while, this month your desire to make it happen will intensify begging you take that first step. And if you’re change avoidant, circumstances around you …

March Energy Forecast 2024 Horoscopes

Welcome to March 2024! Can you believe it’s March already? Back in January I recommended using the “slower paced” month to declutter, strategise and plan to support your year ahead goals. And over the next few months you’ll realise why. March opens the door to an intense period of charged change with plenty of unexpected shifts …

February 2024 Horoscopes

Welcome to February 2024! ​​As February arrives, we experience a quickening. Rationally we expect this as we bid farewell to the long lazy summer days here in the Southern hemisphere during which the lineup of planets in Capricorn provides the opportunity to ponder the strategic direction for the year ahead. However, this February, the quickening is …

January 2024 Horoscopes

Welcome to January 2024! As we enter the New Year, the energies are ripe for setting your strategy for the year ahead. By mid-month the Sun, Mars, Mercury and Pluto are all in Capricorn, the sign which symbolises the CEO! It’s the ideal time for reviewing what worked and what didn’t work in 2023. Plans committed …

December 2023 Horoscopes

It’s palpable, the desire for a break, to pause, reflect, connect and let go.  With the Christmas holiday season looming large,  I have no doubt you’ll be reading this and thinking, it can’t come fast enough!! The past couple of months have been rich with dynamic change and deep dives into matters requiring your intense focus. …

November 2023 Horoscopes

Welcome to November. As we enter the month of November, the dust is still very much settling from the heightened events of October’s eclipse season. Energies remain frayed and intense for the month but thankfully there is a balancing with some fresh, more social and optimistic vibes entering the scene. Here’s what’s going on. On November …

October 2023 Horoscopes

Welcome to October Welcome to October! Energetically, the month ahead points to the need for truth. We find ourselves amid another intense period where secrets are being brought to light and people are demanding justice. With the powerbroker of the sky, Pluto, ending his lengthy retrograde journey in Capricorn on Oct 11, expect to read more …

September 2023 Horoscopes

Welcome to September Spring is in the Air and the Stars reflect welcome change and expansion after a couple of months of doing some major “inner work”. Here in the Southern Hemisphere, this is the time of year, where you know that Summer is around the corner and it’s time to detox, declutter and re-organise so …

August 2023 Horoscopes

Welcome to August The month ahead is a strong invitation to lean into what’s authentic for you. To connect with your heart’s greatest desires. With the Sun transiting through passionate, creative and entrepreneurial Leo PLUS Venus retrograde in Leo all month, it’s time to look within and ask yourself….. Who am I? What do I most …

July 2023 Horoscopes

Welcome to July The month ahead offers us all a HUGE turning point. July is a month to lean into your heart, be brave, and make choices. Get ready to contemplate your personal purpose and direction and what your most valued relationships look like. It’s time to ask yourself, what and who you really want to …

June 2023 Horoscopes

Welcome to June I won’t lie, the month ahead is a heady mix of fire and passion with serious and weighty undertones around relationships, deals and finances. There’s a number of planets in focus this month. At the start of the month Venus changes signs and enters proud, creative and showy Leo on June 5. Venus …

May 2023 Horoscopes

If you’re feeling like everything in your world is shifting right now, you’re not alone. This month is huge for rearranging the cornerstones of our lives. There will be endings and new beginnings. Whether it’s work, where you live, shifting dynamics in relationships, your health or your sense of purpose and direction, change is the constant. …

April 2023 Horoscopes

In March we entered new territory with celestial heavyweights Saturn and Pluto changing signs and already we’ve seen significant events related to big business organisational collapse, earth events and global political jousting to name a few. This month our journey along a new pathway continues and new perspectives of the world around us will emerge. Endings …

March 2023 Horoscopes

Metaphorically, this month we find ourselves opening the gate to a new pathway ahead. But rather than a complete opening, it’s more of a sneak peak at brand new storylines that will unfold over the coming 3 years and 20 years. Yes, you heard me right …. 3 + 20 years! It’s BIG. Two of the …

February 2023 Horoscopes

February 2023 Stars Now is the time to be grateful for the slow paced, rejuvenating and contemplative vibes we experienced in January. Your body, mind and soul desperately needed the “slow down” to help you recover from and integrate the huge changes in your life that have occurred over the last 3 years. And you needed …

January Horoscopes

Happy New Year 2023 has finally arrived. And one thing’s for sure, it is going to be a very different year to the last 3. Amongst many things this year, new ways of living and working are going to settle in which will include a deep desire to work in a way that is authentic to …

December Horoscopes

Welcome to December Tis the Season to be jolly!! At last, after the extraordinary year that we have had, especially the past couple of months, December offers up space to expand, explore new horizons and find fresh optimism. And boy are we ready for that, especially for those of you with planets in Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio …

November Horoscopes

Welcome to November We enter the month of November amidst one of the most “explosive” eclipse seasons in years. As far back as the ancients, Eclipse seasons have signified change, unexpected events and course re-directions. Whether the change is desired or not, astrologers recognise that eclipses bring shifts in our lives to better align with our …

October Horoscopes

Welcome to October Before diving into the Stars for the month ahead, I invite you to firstly pause and reflect on what has unfolded for you since January 2021. Where have you felt hemmed in and restricted, and where have you made huge breakthroughs and great changes in your life? The two planets associated with this …

September Horoscopes

Welcome to September Spring has sprung here in the southern hemisphere. The mercury is rising, flowers are blooming and the days are lengthening. There is a palpable hopefulness for a summer with more freedom and joy than we’ve experienced over the last couple of years albeit a sense that much is changing. September always offers the …

August Horoscopes

Welcome to August I’m sure you can feel it, there’s been a slow increase in tension in July which will further intensify this month. Usually, the month of August is a wonderful time of the year for putting yourself out into the world and leading the charge with your business offerings – regardless of whether it’s …

July Horoscopes

ARIES Phew, a lot has been going on in the celestial heavens activating your passion, drive and desire to go out and achieve.  The first few days of July bring through energies that could trigger some really intense feelings.  Positively this can support you to deepen your relationships and drill down into a deeply satisfying project.  …

June Horoscopes

ARIES Aries, you love nothing better than having plenty of energy and autonomy to chase your goals. And that time is now!!! This month both Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance and Mars, the planet of action and motivation have joined forces in your sign to positively stimulate your natural drive, ambition and competitive spirit. …

May Horoscopes

ARIES After a disjointed start to the year which included some intense focus around your Professional life in March and April, the month of May brings new horizons. Jupiter, the planet of expansion and good-luck arrives in your sign bringing a once in 12 year opportunity to start anew. This can bring a boost to your …

April Horoscopes

ARIES Happy Birthday Aries (and belated wishes if you were born late March). The Month starts off with the New Moon in Aries which could well motivate you to start something new. After such intense focus around your professional life in March, April has you continuing to review what you value most about the organisation and …

March Horoscopes

ARIES Your professional life continues to be of significant focus this month. The start of March begins with a powerful burst of energy. Use this drive and ambition to strategise – keep focusing on what you are creating for the long-term. Bring a conscious mindset to your Leadership style this month, things won’t go well if …

February Horoscopes

ARIES Get ready Aries, with your year having got off to a spontaneous start, filling you with inspiration to expand your horizons, February is a gung ho month for being really driven and capitalising on your business acumen. The slower, practical pace of January was perfect for conducting your personal / professional review and planning out …

January Horoscopes

ARIES The year starts off spontaneously for Aries with opportunities to explore new horizons.  Life is moving forward in new directions and you are inspired to learn and expand your knowledge so don’t be surprised if you sign up for some professional development opportunities. You are also being invited to stay practical. Amidst all the excitement, …