January 2024 Horoscopes

Welcome to January 2024!

As we enter the New Year, the energies are ripe for setting your strategy for the year ahead. By mid-month the Sun, Mars, Mercury and Pluto are all in Capricorn, the sign which symbolises the CEO! It’s the ideal time for reviewing what worked and what didn’t work in 2023. Plans committed to will then act as your anchor over the course of what will without question be a turbulent year with plenty more changes in the way we operate in the world. But of course, as we know, with change comes opportunity so it’s important you are setting yourself up with the right mindset and habits that enable you to embrace things as they come your way!

The biggest game changer for January is Pluto’s departure from Capricorn and arrival into Aquarius on the 21st. After 16 years in Capricorn he will begin to settle into a 20 year journey through the fixed air sign Aquarius which signifies the importance of being your authentic self within the greater collective. It’s also the sign associated with innovation, technological advances, freedom, and collaboration. Pluto’s role will be to challenge what this looks like for us all.

The New Moon in Capricorn on 11 January at 10:57pm provides a 3 day window for setting your business intentions for the year ahead. Plans you make and commit to have the opportunity to bear fruit over the longer term – all you have to do is remain focussed, stay consistent and have the right mindset to focus on your creation which will shield you from the chaos and potential anxiety others around you may struggle to deal with.

The Full Moon in Leo on 26 January at 4:54am is likely to bring up tension between your desire to creatively express yourself versus adapting to fit in with the group. The desire for freedom is strong. The few days around the lunation are ideal for releasing your ego’s desire for control and leaning into how you can support the collective. In doing so, the rewards will be great!

To find out what’s in store for you click on your sign below.

And if you’re ready to step into conscious leadership in 2024, then let’s talk. Astrology is one of the myriad of tools I embrace to support clients to achieve clarity, freedom and get heartfelt results. You can book a transformation consult here =>https://bit.ly/46x66hJ

Wishing you an amazing year bringing your hopes and dreams to life!



Welcome to January 2024.

The year starts out with a fixed determination to set strategic career/business goals. Even though you may well be on holiday, your mind’s focus will be tuning into what you want to make happen professionally in 2024. Up until January 23, you can make wise professional development decisions – more than ever it’s critical to be across technological shifts to ensure you’re leadership fit!

Use the Capricorn New Moon period from January 11 to 14 to mindmap your 2024 professional goals. And don’t ignore your need to lead and engage your creative talents from January 24 – 27 under the Full Moon in Leo. Don’t ever make yourself or your skills “small” for the sake of keeping the group happy. Be proud of your unique abilities and use them to enhance your organisation or client’s potential!

Wishing you a magical year ahead



Welcome to January 2024.

Professional and personal opportunities await you during the first few months of the year and January is no exception. All month, you are inspired to broaden your horizons. Take heed of any inspiration to study or travel. January is also a power period for you to look at your investment portfolio – focus on this area will pay dividends for the longer term. If necessary, seek mentors to offer up new ideas on how to make your money grow in today’s changing world.

Use the Capricorn New period from January 11 to 14 to consider the ideal way to satiate your desire to expand and grow throughout 2024. Whether through professional development, heading out for a new adventure or jumping on a plane – set a clear intention to make it happen. No dream is too big!

From January 24 to 27 the Full Moon in Leo is likely to highlight the importance of having more balance between work and family/home. Get clear on what matters most and establish firm boundaries so that you meet the needs of your loved ones as well as professional colleagues.

Wishing you a magical year ahead



Welcome to January 2024.

The year starts out with a knowingness that you need to rest and go within. Heed the calling as big things await you later in the year when Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance moves into your sign in May for a 12 month window! You are putting firm plans in place to set yourself up professionally for the long-term, but there’s no need to rush it.

Relationships and money management are strong themes throughout January so invest time in both.

Use the Capricorn New Moon period from January 11 to 14 to make investment decisions – how can you get smarter about making money while you sleep? And under the Leo Full Moon period from January 24 – 27 be aware of the struggle between trusting your intuition and inner knowing versus working with the “facts”. Find the balance.

Wishing you a magical year ahead



Welcome to January 2024.

The year starts out with relationships being a “serious” business. Consciously or subconsciously you’ll be assessing who you want to be partnering with throughout 2024 both professionally and personally. Expansion opportunities within organisations and your social circles continue to be a theme for you so make plans for how to make the most of that energy which is available through until May this year.

If you’ve been having lots of fun revelling in holiday cheer, January is the ideal time to focus on your health goals. But for you to have success, reflect on how you make health and wellness more of an adventure in 2024.

Use the Capricorn New Moon period from January 11 to 14 to have a serious think about your primary relationships for the year ahead. What’s your goal? Decisions you make during this time will be supported. And under the Leo Full Moon period from January 24 – 27 money matters will be in focus.

Wishing you a magical year ahead



Welcome to January 2024.

With the new year’s arrival, it’s likely you’ll be eager to establish a new structure to support you at work and play. You naturally have plenty of energy and big career aspirations, but now is the time to become strategic about how you want to expend it on a daily basis. What are the things that are non-negotiable, must do’s each day so that you can achieve your 2024 goals. Also on the agenda is travel and opening your mind to learning new things so lean into that throughout January.

Use the Capricorn New Moon period from January 11 to 14 to set new health and wellness goals. And under the Leo Full Moon period from January 24 – 27 be sure to get out and about as your sparkling brightly and attraction powers are strong. New relationships beckon.

Wishing you a magical year ahead



Welcome to January 2024.

As you’ve welcomed the New Year, there’s been a strong focus on family, having fun and potentially a little romance has been in the air! With Mercury, your ruling planet completing its retrograde, your energy levels and focus will return in full force from January 2. Your creative side is also shining brightly. Any sparks of ideas that bubble up during January I advise you to take seriously – no matter how realistic they may be. Engage your innate planning and organising powers to turn those ideas into reality. In 12 months time you’ll look back and be so glad you did!

Use the Capricorn New Moon period from January 11 to 14 to set creative goals – and go large, you have the ability to break a massive task into manageable chunks with your practical efficiency. And under the Leo Full Moon period from January 24 – 27 how you serve others is likely to be in full view. Your desire to give and support others will be a strong theme.

Wishing you a magical year ahead



Welcome to January 2024.

Big shifts and changes have been taking place for you and will continue to do so whilst the south node travels through your sign all of 2024. You’re in a powerful period of shedding any outdated versions of yourself that are ill-aligned to your purpose. And that’s not always easy, but hugely beneficial in the longer term. Given this process started in July 2023, you will have welcomed the Holiday period as a much needed opportunity to reconnect with family and loved ones. To ensure you have the right work/family balance in 2024, January is the ideal time to get strategic about your home and family goals. What are your non-negotiables “must dos” in this area of life for the year ahead. And commit to that course as it will keep you stable through the ups and downs in the big year ahead.

Use the Capricorn New Moon period from January 11 to 14 to set home and family goals. And under the Leo Full Moon period from January 24 – 27 have fun exploring how you can find the right balance between expressing your creative self and weaving that into the organisations you are working for. Being authentic is serious business for you, so any groups you find yourself working with that don’t value that will create huge tension. Go gently and be sure to find forgiveness for both yourself and others if needed.

Wishing you a magical year ahead



Welcome to January 2024.

With the New Year’s arrival, self-worth, money and communication have been major themes at play. As have relationships, yes…. all very important topics! With Jupiter now travelling at full speed through your 1:1 professional and personal relationship zone until May, make welcome new connections as well as finding new ways to expand and enhance existing ones. These relationships have the potential to stand you in good stead over the next 12 years.

Use the Capricorn New Moon period from January 11 to 14 to set writing, social media, communication and technology goals for the year ahead. And under the Leo Full Moon period from January 24 – 27 tensions may run high between work and home. Give yourself permission to release any work you’re doing that no longer brings you joy…. And trust that this will make way for something better to come your way.

Wishing you a magical year ahead



Welcome to January 2024.

Oh, how you love adventure and finding new inspiration! With the New Year’s arrival, you’re thinking about your brand, ways to inspire others and channelling your energy into expanding your mind.

January is the ideal time to get serious about your financial plan. Start with reviewing your income/fees – you know your worth and frankly, so do your clients and employers so do what you need to bring your income into alignment with your value.

Use the Capricorn New Moon period from January 11 to 14 to set your annual financial goals. And under the Leo Full Moon period from January 24 – 27 tensions may arise as you seek a deeper spiritual connection but struggle to find a way to make time to still the mind. If you do, you’ll be rewarded with great ideas for that writing or podcast you’re ready to work on.

Wishing you a magical year ahead



Welcome to January 2024.

As the New Year arrives, frankly, it’s all about you…. Happy Birthday and belated wishes to those of you born in December. Your energy levels are high and drive to make things happen in the year ahead is as strong as ever! Leverage this period to engage your innate ability to strategically plan out your year ahead. You know what you want to achieve, just give yourself some space to note your ideas and implement once you head back to work.

The good news for you is that Pluto will finally leave your sign on January 20th. This is cause for huge celebration as you’ve had more than your fair share of ups and downs over the past 16 years. Notice a new lightness and sense of opportunity arrive as the lord of the underworld departs your zone in the zodiac.

Use the Capricorn New Moon period from January 11 to 14 to set personal and professional goals for the year ahead. What do you most long for? And under the Leo Full Moon period from January 24 – 27 your joint finances and investments will be under the spotlight. This is a great time to make adjustments in these areas.

Wishing you a magical year ahead



Welcome to January 2024.

As the New Year arrives, you are on the brink of a long-term transformation that will take place with Pluto settling into your sign through until 2043. But more on that in the coming months!

More than any other sign, I urge you to carve out time to strategically plan your year ahead in January. With the Sun in your retreat zone, see if you can escape somewhere for a couple of days solo to engage your intuition, mind map ideas that bubble up and commit to milestones. In doing so you’ll be richly rewarded as they’ll create a stable balance for you as the world around us continues to change.

Use the Capricorn New Moon period from January 11 to 14 to set spiritual goals for the year ahead. And under the Leo Full Moon period from January 24 – 27 relationships are under the spotlight. This gives you the opportunity to find the right balance between your needs and those of your partner. If you are taking or giving more than your partner, now’s the time to make those adjustments!

Wishing you a magical year ahead



Welcome to January 2024.

As the New Year arrives, you are quietly confident that you have what it takes to make things happen. Why, because you’re ready to commit. This year you’ll continue to put down structures in your life that will bear fruit over the longer term.

January is also a wonderfully social time for you, you’re up for connecting with various groups and finding inspiration in meeting up with a wider circle of people. It’s also a great month for exploring how to expand your professional horizons. Think big… don’t hold back!

Use the Capricorn New Moon period from January 11 to 14 to consider which groups and organisations you want to be involved with in 2024. Business circles can be an enormous asset for you in 2024. And under the Leo Full Moon period from January 24 – 27 your health and daily routine are under the spotlight. If you’ve been partying, it’s time to reign things in a little, find some down-time and set yourself up for success with strong energy levels.

Wishing you a magical year ahead

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