May Energy Forecast 2024 Horoscopes

May Energy Forecast 2024 Horoscopes

Welcome to May 2024! After the quickfire pace of April, it would be wonderful to imagine May gifting us a slowing-down energy. Some time to integrate all the shifts, changes and new ideas that have come through over the last 4 weeks. Alas, this will not be the case. The pace of business (and life) will …

April Energy Forecast 2024 Horoscopes

April Energy Forecast 2024 Horoscopes

Welcome to April 2024! April is without question one of the most important months of 2024. Get ready for CHANGE! If you’ve been sitting with an idea or dream for a while, this month your desire to make it happen will intensify begging you take that first step. And if you’re change avoidant, circumstances around you …

March Energy Forecast 2024 Horoscopes

March Energy Forecast 2024 Horoscopes

Welcome to March 2024! Can you believe it’s March already? Back in January I recommended using the “slower paced” month to declutter, strategise and plan to support your year ahead goals. And over the next few months you’ll realise why. March opens the door to an intense period of charged change with plenty of unexpected shifts …

February 2024 Horoscopes

February 2024 Horoscopes

Welcome to February 2024! ​​As February arrives, we experience a quickening. Rationally we expect this as we bid farewell to the long lazy summer days here in the Southern hemisphere during which the lineup of planets in Capricorn provides the opportunity to ponder the strategic direction for the year ahead. However, this February, the quickening is …

January 2024 Horoscopes

January 2024 Horoscopes

Welcome to January 2024! As we enter the New Year, the energies are ripe for setting your strategy for the year ahead. By mid-month the Sun, Mars, Mercury and Pluto are all in Capricorn, the sign which symbolises the CEO! It’s the ideal time for reviewing what worked and what didn’t work in 2023. Plans committed …

December 2023 Horoscopes

December 2023 Horoscopes

It’s palpable, the desire for a break, to pause, reflect, connect and let go.  With the Christmas holiday season looming large,  I have no doubt you’ll be reading this and thinking, it can’t come fast enough!! The past couple of months have been rich with dynamic change and deep dives into matters requiring your intense focus. …

November 2023 Horoscopes

November 2023 Horoscopes

Welcome to November. As we enter the month of November, the dust is still very much settling from the heightened events of October’s eclipse season. Energies remain frayed and intense for the month but thankfully there is a balancing with some fresh, more social and optimistic vibes entering the scene. Here’s what’s going on. On November …

October 2023 Horoscopes

October 2023 Horoscopes

Welcome to October Welcome to October! Energetically, the month ahead points to the need for truth. We find ourselves amid another intense period where secrets are being brought to light and people are demanding justice. With the powerbroker of the sky, Pluto, ending his lengthy retrograde journey in Capricorn on Oct 11, expect to read more …

September 2023 Horoscopes

September 2023 Horoscopes

Welcome to September Spring is in the Air and the Stars reflect welcome change and expansion after a couple of months of doing some major “inner work”. Here in the Southern Hemisphere, this is the time of year, where you know that Summer is around the corner and it’s time to detox, declutter and re-organise so …

August 2023 Horoscopes

August 2023 Horoscopes

Welcome to August The month ahead is a strong invitation to lean into what’s authentic for you. To connect with your heart’s greatest desires. With the Sun transiting through passionate, creative and entrepreneurial Leo PLUS Venus retrograde in Leo all month, it’s time to look within and ask yourself….. Who am I? What do I most …