November 2023 Horoscopes

Welcome to November.

As we enter the month of November, the dust is still very much settling from the heightened events of October’s eclipse season. Energies remain frayed and intense for the month but thankfully there is a balancing with some fresh, more social and optimistic vibes entering the scene. Here’s what’s going on.

On November 4 Saturn stations (comes to a standstill). This will particularly impact you if you have planets in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces. Saturn is the task-master. He invites us to be responsible, make plans and commit to them. If you’ve been avoiding “upleveling” with your work, Saturn will provide the push for you to do so. But if you’ve been avoiding responsibility, you’ll likely face some challenges along the way.

Saturn is in Pisces for the next 2 years and is teaching all of us the importance of having a dedicated spiritual/mindfulness practice to ground our thoughts, emotions and ultimately, our actions. The world is changing and there is much going on that breaks one’s heart. The question is – do you live in fear worrying about how bad things are OR do you choose to focus on what you are creating? Saturn is testing us all and calling us to account. So, what will you choose?

Thankfully on November 8, Venus ingresses into Libra, which she rules. This brings a return to diplomatic relations and a focus on justice. Two days later Mercury enters optimistic and big-picture thinking Sagittarius. For most of the month, these 2 planets do a dance with each other making this the ideal season for 2024 business planning and engaging with clients, colleagues and making new contacts!

Amidst all of this, you’ll experience a sense of fiery drive and desire to make headway. But as much as you’d like to make changes and advance with pace, you’ll likely feel you’re working against a heavy head-wind. So don’t try to push. Be intentional with your actions – take inspired action, one day at a time.

The New Moon in Scorpio on Nov 13 can be the spark to strike out in a fresh new direction, particularly for the fixed signs of Leo, Aquarius,Taurus and Scorpio. However with Mars and Uranus opposing one another, the new start is likely to be precedented with an intense and potentially volatile circumstance that will inspire you to hone your focus and ultimately see things more clearly. It can also be experienced as unexpected actions from others or even accidents. But on the flip side, this can lead to some extraordinary insights and innovations.

The Full Moon in Gemini on Nov 27 has an equally intense vibe but this is more about frustration that you can’t see things clearly or get things done fast enough. In this case, it’s time to become super aware of what you’re reading, watching and listening to. What resonates and what doesn’t? What’s the truth for you and what is not? These are going to be big questions all month.

By the end of the month you’ll notice the pace of things picking up and that it’s easier to take action. You’ll be yearning for adventure and ready to embark on new horizons. Hang in there!!!

To find out what’s in store for you click on your sign below.

And if you’d like me to show you how I work with clients 1:1 to transform their businesses + careers by fully embracing their GIFTS, book a transformation consult here =>

Wishing you an amazing month bringing your hopes and dreams to life!



Welcome to November 2023 Aries.

Hold onto your hats Aries, this month there are some very powerful dynamics in play which can lead to a complete re-evaluation of your sense of self, values, finances and investments. Energy levels can wax and wane as you find yourself navigating emotional ups and downs. The reason being your ruling planet, Mars, is inviting you to go deep and hone in on the truth of things. In particular your shared finances, the nuances of employee contracts and on a personal level your understanding of your subconscious patterning.

However, amidst all of this is a powerful opportunity for new inspired ideas to come through to help you break out of outdated ways of “doing” your career. You are being invited to uplevel your commitment to a mindfulness practice to ground you and ensure you are taking inspired action in your career versus making choices that are a reaction to what’s immediately in front of you.

The extremely intense and volatile New Moon in Scorpio on November 13 is the ideal time to set goals around clearing any subconscious beliefs and ways of being that are holding you back from truly aligning with your purpose at work. It’s the ideal time to commit to working with a counsellor, coach or psychologist to get to the bottom of limiting storylines. It’s also your annual opportunity to set investment goals and be supported to achieve them.

The Full Moon in Gemini on November 27, which is normally a social and energising lunation for you, spotlights your marketing/social media and communication sector. The desire to learn, acquire information and teach will be strong. Don’t be surprised if your beliefs are strongly tested at this time. What you thought to be true may be challenged.



Welcome to November 2023 Taureans.

This is the time of the year when relationships are front and centre for you and your creative juices are flowing. If you have been looking for that ideal personal or professional business partner, you may just well connect with them this month!

But that said, it’s important to remember that November is very much an intense month. With Mars in Scorpio in your relationship domain, you’ll be honing your focus to seek out the truth in partnerships and taking great care to read the fine print with any contracts you have to sign.

At the start of the month, you can expect plenty of flashes of insight and inspiration from the 2 to the 8th. Use this for new product/service ideas and finding new ways to promote yourself!

Throughout November, your energy levels are likely to unexpectedly wax and wane and I urge you to be extra cautious as you may be a little accident prone until mid-month.

The extremely intense and volatile New Moon in Scorpio on November 13 is the time to set intentions for who you’d like to partner with over the coming 12 months to achieve your goals. It’s also the ideal time to consider who you want to be in a relationship with and what you want from a relationship?

The Full Moon in Gemini November 27 spotlights your financial sector. This can be the catalyst to focus on how you can make your money work well for you over the long-term. It’s a great time to check in on your pricing, budgets and review your investments.



Welcome to November Geminis!

Life has been operating at pace for you all year, with plenty of twists and turns and as we know, it can be all too easy to deprioritise your health and wellbeing. This month, the sun is highlighting the need for you to pay attention to that aspect of your life. If you’ve been putting up with any kind of niggles in your body or struggling to get answers, be sure to pay a visit to your preferred health practitioner to probe deeper so you can resolve any hidden issues. Truths can more easily be revealed at this time.

From a career perspective, you have the opportunity to step up and take more responsibility. Whether this is forced or you put your hand up, you are at the early stages of a 3 year upgrade where you’re deepening your wisdom and stepping into your own unique version of leadership. Signs of how this is playing out will be revealed at the start of the month as Saturn stations direct from the 1st through to the 8th of November. For clues, think back to what was happening for you at the start of 2023 which is when Saturn first entered your Career sector.

Around the same time, from the 2nd to the 7th, your ruling planet Mercury is opposing Uranus which can bring about fresh ideas and insights as well as the delivery of unexpected news.

The extremely intense and volatile New Moon in Scorpio on November 13 is the ideal time to set fresh new health and wellness goals as a result of realising you now need to prioritise those. Just remember, your wellbeing requires you to put strong boundaries in place around hours of work as well as health and fitness. This is also a wonderful time of year to set intentions around your mindfulness practices

The Full Moon in Gemini November 27, which is normally a social and energising lunation for you, spotlights the importance of tending to your own needs first in order to be able to be there for others. If you’ve been too selfless and putting others first, you may well be in for some unexpected changes forcing you to prioritise yourself. Alternatively, if you’ve been too selfish, others are going to let you know. Treat any feedback as a gift…. An opportunity to grow by doing things differently.



Welcome to November Cancerians!

The month ahead delivers an intense focus on your creativity. Now, as we know, this can come in all shapes and sizes. Think romance, children, hobbies and sport on one level. But in a career sense, this is the invitation to lean into how you creatively express yourself through the work you do in the world. If you’ve been percolating new business ideas, have started projects but not yet finished or you want to delve deeper into an area of expertise that you’re passionate about, this month the universe is nudging you to evolve things to the next level. And in doing so, you’ll support others to transform!!

Throughout November, there are some major changes to your professional communities that can bring about opportunity for you. These changes can make way for you to do things differently, if you are open to it. The new world of work is emerging and you have the depth and innate ability to support people through change on an emotional level, which is vital at these times.

The extremely intense and volatile New Moon in Scorpio on November 13 is the ideal time to set goals around creative passion projects, having more fun and authentically expressing your innate talents in the world!

The Full Moon in Gemini on November 27 illuminates a vital need for you to consistently create moments to retreat from the world. Whether you need to recover from past emotional events, a period of intense energy output or a health scare, do what you need to recalibrate your energy levels and restore balance. Meditation and time in nature are your most reliable and grounding companion at this time.



Welcome to November Leos!

As part of the changes brought about from October’s eclipse season, this month family and home are in the spotlight. This aspect of life is likely to bring up some intense emotions as it is undergoing a significant transformation. Of course, when our home-base is changing, our ability to shine in the world is equally impacted, so be sure to stay grounded all month to ensure your energy levels remain strong and that your mind is focussed on what you’re creating as opposed to what you are letting go of.

To support yourself all month, seek the professional expertise of counsellors, coaches, healers and / or psychologists. You are readier than you’ve ever been to release subconscious sabotaging patterns with the help of others. I highly recommend that you invest in yourself in this way, as it can clear old storylines and make way for you to step into your greatness. And afterall, that’s what Leo’s come here to do!

The extremely intense and volatile New Moon in Scorpio on November 13 is the ideal time to set goals for the year ahead related to family, where you live and property investments. Don’t be afraid to dream big as new ideas are available to help you make this happen over the coming 12 months.

The Full Moon in Gemini on November 27 illuminates groups, associations and organisations you belong to. Have you got the balance right between honouring your creative side and your need to enjoy yourself versus being part of an organisation or group? If you are spending more time doing one thing over the other, this lunation will trigger emotions that have you make adjustments to rectify the situation.



Welcome to November Virgos.

Since Oct 9, Venus has been in your sign, inspiring you to be seen and making you more attractive to clients and peers. Have you noticed an uptick in business, as she can have that impact. The good news, she remains in your sign through until November 9th. Then she moves into your money sector helping you to realise new ways to generate income and make the most of your current resources to build your wealth.

At the end of October, on the eclipse, the universe was conspiring you to release fears about using social media or promoting yourself. It’s important to know that deep inside your being, you are a powerhouse of knowledge on how to create efficiencies and how to heal. You yearn to serve others to improve their wellbeing and / or to streamline their businesses so that they can thrive!! Let go of the need for perfection. Instead embrace imperfect action.

Early in November, your ruling planet Mercury is amped up by Mars. These two planets combined help you hone your focus, resolve issues with speed and make decisions at pace. Equally, it can bring extra fire to your communication. Stay conscious of using your words for good as it can be all too easy to cut others down with a sharp tongue – even though it’s not intentional.

The extremely intense and volatile New Moon in Scorpio on November 13 is the ideal time to set your marketing and business development goals for the year ahead. Get clear on your social strategy as well as your target client base.

The Full Moon in Gemini on November 27 spotlights your career. Whether you’ve been working on a project that comes to fruition or an opportunity for advancement presents itself, this is a time when your hard work can pay off. However, if you’ve been spending too much time working and ignoring family, you’ll realise it’s time to make some adjustments to bring things back into balance. Equally, if family or your home life has been demanding your attention and taking you away from your public work, this lunation offers you time to recalibrate.



Welcome to November Librans

The start of the month is spotlighting your finances, both your ability to earn and invest. The key is to find the right balance between the two. Your drive to work and be rewarded is strong much of the month due to the Sun and Mars travelling closely together through your money house. And your mind is razor sharp helping you to delve deep into issues and transform challenges for your clients.

From the 9th November, your ruling planet Venus moves into one of the most auspicious parts of your chart amping up your charm, attraction power and ability to influence others to achieve your goals. It also brings a boost to your creativity and desire to socialise. This will last through until Dec 6th.

The extremely intense and volatile New Moon in Scorpio on November 13 is your annual opportunity to set your financial goals and review business revenue targets. Many of you are letting go of skills you once used in your career as you’re discovering new areas of interest which are steering your professional life in a new direction.

The Full Moon in Gemini on November 27 is likely to bring up emotions related to “what the truth is” for you. It’s also a time when you’re curious to expand your knowledge and experience more adventure. However, there is a tension as you also have to navigate life’s mundane realities. What are you now learning that’s challenging your long-held belief systems? This can also be a time when you’re keen to head overseas on an adventure or focus on your studies.



Happy Birthday Scorpios and belated wishes to those of you born late October.

The recent Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse was yet another intense moment in what has been a significant 2 year storyline of releasing and letting go of old ways of being. Life has dealt you some significant challenges, but over the coming 6 months, you can start to move forward with less turmoil and greater clarity of direction. That said, there’s likely some loose ends to tie up, which you’ll dive into at the start of November.

Up until November 23, your drive, energy levels and thoughts are amped up helping you to clarify where you want to head next. You don’t do shallow, and once you decide on something you stay the course so the change you’ve experienced hasn’t been comfortable. Use this month to lean into your vision for your ideal future professionally, health wise and socially. You’ll be readily able to recognise your strengths and what makes you unique – so lean in and work with that.

The extremely intense and volatile New Moon in Scorpio on November 13 is your annual opportunity to set personal and professional goals for the year ahead. It’s literally a time when the focus is all about you. So make the most of this energy and write down your intentions. Seeds you plant now have enormous potential to grow beyond your wildest dreams over the coming 12 months.

The Full Moon in Gemini on November 27 is likely to bring up emotions related to joint finances and investments. Use this to recalibrate your earnings and investment options.



Welcome to November 2023 Sagittarians.

Since late October you may well have experienced a drop in drive and motivation with Mars, the Sun and Mercury travelling through your “retreat” sector. The fiery side of you likes to move and take action, but the invitation throughout November is to consciously spend time withdrawing and spending time with yourself. Tune into your heart through the breath, meditation, walks in nature and listen to what comes up for you.

There is much happening in the world which is extremely heavy and deeply sad. Your worldly nature mourns as you can see that things really don’t have to be this way. You have an innate ability to understand that as humans we have options, that we make choices and that there are other ways. Perhaps now, you realise that you want to act on your beliefs. But, for the moment, I encourage you to continue to contemplate. When the Sun moves into your sign on November 23, you’ll be ready to be back in the world and energised in new ways to achieve your goals.

This month could also bring up any hidden health issues. This is another reason for slowing down and resting. Don’t hesitate to visit your trusted health advisors should any niggles rise up.

The extremely intense and volatile New Moon in Scorpio on November 13 is your annual opportunity to set spiritual development goals. You can use this to reflect on what being a Conscious Leader looks like to you. And how can you live that way in your everyday life?

The Full Moon in Gemini on November 27 is likely to bring up emotions around relationships and key business partnerships. This is a time to figure out what’s most meaningful to you in all your primary relationships. Any issues brought to light under this lunation have the capacity to be resolved by implementing sustainable changes.



Welcome to November 2023 Capricorns.

The start of the month has a serious quality for you with your ruling planet Saturn, at a standstill before it resumes forward motion. Since Saturn entered Pisces earlier in 2023, you’ve been putting more thought into your communication with others. Within that you may also have been in some heavy negotiations which have weighed you down. Either way, notice what’s working for you and what’s not right now, as there’s an opportunity to upgrade your skills. Any tension you’re experiencing is helping you identify what you’re ready to learn next.

Throughout November, groups and organisations that you belong to are under the spotlight. And as part of that, truths are likely to surface that have you see things in a different light. It’s an intense time, and quite possibly unexpected changes can have you thinking about what truly brings you joy. If you’ve been spending a lot of time focusing on work and contributing to a team, you’ll feel a huge calling to ground yourself and spend more time having fun. Fun for you may be practically expressing your creativity through building something or in the garden. However it looks, it’s time to make more space to enjoy life!

The extremely intense and volatile New Moon in Scorpio on November 13 is your annual opportunity to dream BIG. This lunation falls in your 11th house of anything’s possible. Therefore, be sure to set aside time to write down your professional and personal goals for the coming year ahead!

The Full Moon in Gemini on November 27 is likely to bring up emotions around your daily routine and health/wellbeing. Your drive to serve and be helpful in the world can pay a toll if you don’t pause to look after you. If you’ve been all work and not taking care of yourself, this lunation can literally slow you down and force rest upon you. On the other hand, if you’ve been in full on retreat mode, you’ll be ready to get back into the world and make a difference.



Welcome to November 2023 Aquarians.

This month is spotlighting your career and due to the constellations, business feels intense as truths rise to the surface. Potentially you are working on a project in which you have to get to the bottom of a complex issue to resolve it. Or something may come out of the blue in your personal life which directly impacts your energy levels and ability to focus at work. Either way, it’s a potent month for transforming your career or business as you’re not afraid to face the harder issues. As a result of your attention, new opportunities will beckon in December.

At the start of the month, Saturn, the planet of responsibility and restriction comes to a standstill in your financial sector. This is a time to seriously look at your finances and commit to doing things differently. Changes that you make now will reap benefits over the next few years.

The extremely intense and volatile New Moon in Scorpio on November 13 is your annual opportunity to set Career Goals for the coming 12 months. Write those intentions down and imagine how you’ll feel when they come into reality.

The Full Moon in Gemini on November 27 spotlights your fun, romance and enjoyment sector. Have you been getting into life and treating it like a joyful adventure? If not, now’s the time to recalibrate! Equally, if you’ve been busy creating on your own or pulling away from groups, you’ll feel a tug to reconnect professionally and socially.



Welcome to November 2023 Pisceans.

This month starts with responsible and commitment oriented Saturn inviting you to pause and think about how you put yourself out into the world. Your deeply sensitive and empathetic nature is feeling all the feels right now with what’s happening in the world. But the truth is, you are part of the solution. You have the innate capacity to empower others through these deeply troubling times BUT you need to be seen. Use November to explore how to make yourself more visible so more people can discover you and work with you professionally!

All month, your focus is on upgrading your professional skills and or adventures that will broaden your horizons. There’s a yearning deep within you to deepen your knowledge so that you have more wisdom to share with others. Unexpected opportunities to study can arise or someone in your neighbourhood may trigger you to expand your knowledge base in a surprising way.

The good news is, you’re being called to explore ways to monetise your resources. You’re in a powerful 18 month window of establishing financial independence and your soul is loving it.

The extremely intense and volatile New Moon in Scorpio on November 13 is your annual opportunity to set professional development and international travel goals for the year ahead.

The Full Moon in Gemini on November 27 spotlights your homelife, property and family. If you don’t have the right balance between home and work, this lunation invites you to make any changes to restore an equilibrium. Should unexpected changes occur in either of these two areas of life, trust they are supporting you to better align with your purpose.

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