April 2023 Horoscopes

In March we entered new territory with celestial heavyweights Saturn and Pluto changing signs and already we’ve seen significant events related to big business organisational collapse, earth events and global political jousting to name a few.

This month our journey along a new pathway continues and new perspectives of the world around us will emerge. Endings and new beginnings are the major theme from mid April to mid May as the 1st Eclipse season for 2023 arrives.

Eclipses occur twice a year and astrological speaking signifies course redirections. The period when the Sun or the Moon is briefly covered over and then re-emerges represents us seeing situations in a new light, either physically or emotionally. New truths will emerge in business, community and our personal lives. It can feel incredibly chaotic at the time but ultimately, it leads to longer-term positive shifts.

This eclipse season is a big deal as changemaker, rebel and innovator Uranus is very actively involved. He has been travelling through Taurus now for a number of years disrupting the status quo around finances, resources, weather patterns, food supplies, shelter and our personal values. All of these topics will be active late April and into May. For those of you with planets and angles in the sign of Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and/or Aquarius it’s a profound period of change and innovation. But the opportunity for all is to “raise the bar” on doing business consciously.

This month and next bring a POWER period for experiencing lightbulb moments on how to move forward in new ways. Change is in the Air. And with it comes new OPPORTUNITIES. The key is being able to let go of what has been versus struggling to hold onto the old.

Coinciding with the eclipse season we have the second Mercury retrograde (April 21 to May 15, 2023). This will be a profound time for reviewing your personal value, your earning capacity, sourcing food (perhaps even growing your own) and doing what you need to feel secure and provide security for your loved ones. By the end of this retrograde, you will likely feel very different about the value of certain material possessions as other aspects of life take on greater importance.

And so, it’s exciting times with the world of business and our personal lives shifting. New developments are unfolding. But the key to working with these energies and accessing innovative thought is to allow time to be still, to ground and to tune into your inner knowing. That way you’ll be able to make uplifting choices that inspire a new world versus reacting to the ego’s desire to stay safe and fight for what has been.

To find out what’s in store for you click on your sign below.

And if you’d like me to show you how I work with clients 1:1 to transform their careers by fully embracing their unique astrological profile, click on this link to apply for a transformational consult =>https://bit.ly/3RX972P

Wishing you an amazing month bringing your hopes and dreams to life.

With love and inspiration,



Welcome to April 2023 Aries and Happy Birthday to those of you born in late March!!

It’s a BIG month for you!!! Right now you are amidst one of the most profound periods of redirection, growth and expansion. Perhaps the biggest in your lifetime.

All month your energy levels are heightened and your desire for the new is palpable. You’re evolving at pace and you can sense new opportunities on the horizon which is very uplifting. But they haven’t come easily. You’ve been through an intense period since October 2022 with your ruling planet Mars retrograde in Gemini. The great news is that last year’s storyline concluded at the end of March / early April. This month you are being propelled forward in new ways especially given there is a very rare 2nd new moon in your sign which emphasises profound new beginnings for you.

One thing to be mindful of in April is doing what you need to do to keep your emotions in check. Whilst the good news is your ruling planet Mars has ended a long, confusing and frustrating journey through Gemini, this month he is travelling through the moody waters of Cancer. You’re itching to get moving on new projects and plenty of creative ideas are available for you, but you may find yourself having to tend to matters at home or with your family. Support yourself by getting out and moving – it’s one of your greatest emotional stress relievers.

Mercury will retrograde through your financial sector this month and next so it’s the ideal time to revise and rethink your earning potential. Use this to revisit your values and ensure that your next business venture is strongly aligned to them and adds meaning to your life. Issues of security and stability are likely to be a top priority right now.

The Full Moon in Libra on April 6 spotlights your primary relationships. It’s all about finding the right balance between your needs and those of the people you love most. The same goes for your professional relationships. This can also be a time that a new business contract appears – if so make time to weigh up all the pros and cons.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 20 is the second New Moon in your sign. Given its connection with the North Node it can bring about feted events propelling you forward. Expect things to be revealed, helping you see the truth of a situation which brings closure as well as unexpected opportunities taking you in new directions !!!



Welcome to April Taureans.

If you’ve been keeping abreast with my horoscopes you’ll know I’ve been writing about the enormous opportunity for change and growth that have been available for you over the past year. This month and next the eclipses will help you complete storylines and reveal new, more conscious and expanded ways forward for you. Think breakthrough, innovation and doing work in the world that matters!

The first 10 days of the month, your vitality and sense of optimism is strong. After that, new money making ventures may emerge and you are gifted with extra charm and charisma.

April offers opportunities for you to network and engage your social media platform. You can inspire others by sharing your emotional journey and the transformation you’ve been going through. You can help others’ appreciate that through change enormous growth becomes available.

Mercury’s retrograde kicks off on April 21. For 3 ½ weeks you’ll have the opportunity to review, revise and rethink how you present to the world given it is taking place in your sign. This is an ideal time to examine all of your social media profiles and personal branding. What should stay and what’s ready to be updated? You may be inspired to spice up your image with a new haircut and/or invest in some new clothes. Note, during this time your energy levels may drop so be sure to allow space for some rest and be patient with travel delays or technology glitches. And also be extra mindful of all of your communication during this time by ensuring they’re clear and direct.

The Full Moon in Libra on April 6 spotlights finding the right balance between your health and wellbeing and offering your services to the world. Use this to sort out your daily routine if things are not in balance. We are in times of profound change and it’s easy to sit in fear as the world around us shifts. Ensure you have solid daily practices to support your nervous system so you can respond with love and compassion versus reacting to others out of fear and insecurity.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 20 is the second New Moon in this sign. It is once again providing you with the opportunity to upgrade your spiritual practices. In addition, new opportunities are unfolding for you to help others in a wholehearted way. Given its connection with the North Node it can bring about feted events propelling you forward. Expect things to be revealed, helping you see the truth of a situation which allows closure as well as unexpected opportunities taking you in new directions !!!



Welcome to April Geminis!

This month brings a welcome relief as planet Mars has left your sign after his 7 month stay which had you juggling many balls and sitting in confusion and overwhelm much of the time. He moves into your values and financial sector bringing new energy to act on what’s important to you and helping you create sustainable income for the long-term.

Finances are indeed a hot topic for you this month and next as your ruling planet Mercury commences his 2nd retrograde for the year in your investment sector. From April 21 to May 15 you’ve got the opportunity to pause, reflect, review and redo any aspect of life where you are sharing your resources with another. This can be where you’re collaborating with others in business, working with service providers, or looking at your shared assets in your personal life. It’s also a powerful time for doing the “inner work”. If emotional issues start rising to the surface, book in to see counsellor, healer or coach to help you see yourself in a new light.
Whatever is coming up is ready to be transformed.

As always, Mercury retrograde tends to have things go awry for you in some way shape or form given Mercury is your ruling planet. So be sure to back up your technology, and tend to outstanding financial matters prior to his retrograde.

The Full Moon in Libra on April 6 spotlights your desire to creatively express yourself. Whether it’s through art, performance, sport, hobbies, public speaking, curating something new for work or working with Children this is the time to ensure you are also making time to be out in the world with friends and part of a humming community. Equally, if you are spending more time socialising and working and not investing enough time in your own creative endeavours, this is the time to recalibrate.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 20 is the second New Moon in this sign. Powerful new beginnings are unfolding. You can use this to set goals around the kind of impact you want to have in organisations, large groups or associations. Totally DREAM BIG as it’s occurring in the part of the chart that wants you to EXPAND!



Welcome to April Cancerians!!!

This month offers you a powerful window for you to positively assert yourself. Your energy levels and intuitive guidance are strong all month with Mars, the planet of vitality, drive and action, having moved into your sign at the end of March. You can use this to act on health and wellbeing goals as well as re-launch yourself professionally in the world. If you’ve been considering a new creative approach to work, this is a great month to take inspired action.

You are in a profound period of growth and expansion when it comes to your Career and Influencing others in organisational and group settings. Both of the benefic planets (Jupiter and Venus) are activating your chart bringing optimism and a good dose of “luck”. On April 12th the Sun and Jupiter meetup launching a new year-long cycle which can take your career in new directions. So, stay tuned, offers and opportunities await if that’s what you’ve been seeking. Equally, you may have the chance to take on more responsibility and share your wisdom in new ways.

On April 21 Mercury commences his 2nd retrograde for the year in Taurus. As with all Mercury retrogrades they invite you to pause, reflect, revise, rethink and redo. This time around, Mercury is connected to Uranus which can deliver unexpected news and plenty of technology glitches so be sure to back up your information and ensure your passwords are secure. Changes are likely in your organisational setting so you’ll be rethinking where you work and who you want to be working with in a serious way.

The Full Moon in Libra on April 6 is likely to bring up strong emotions related to finding the balance between home and family. Likely with your focus strongly on your Career right now, you’ll notice a pull to focus more on self-care, nourishing yourself and wanting to be more available for loved ones. Or it could spotlight domestic matters that need to be addressed. Use this consciously to find a new dynamic between your career and your home life.

Mid month we enter the eclipse season which you are extra sensitive to given your ruling luminary, the Moon, is involved.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 20 is the second New Moon taking place in your Career sector in a row. This is a super RARE event. The invitation to launch off in new directions cannot be ignored. And given it’s an eclipse, be prepared for things to start anew in ways you couldn’t have predicted. Eclipses can throw life into chaos at first but eventually this leads to a new journey that is more closely aligned to your purpose.

As I said last month, powerful new beginnings are unfolding. Use this energy to set goals around the kind of positive impact you want to have in the world!!



Welcome to April Leos!

The world is changing and you have been preparing yourself for this moment in time. April delivers a bounty of opportunity for discovery. Both the Sun and Jupiter are activating your desire to learn new things, explore the world and re-shape your entire belief system. If you’ve been considering signing up for that new course, engaging a mentor/coach or booking a trip – the universe wants you to press the button.

With the changes that are happening around the world, you’re seeing them from a bigger picture vantage point. The very essence of your being knows that you’re here to help shape a new future. You understand that the old way of doing business is now well and truly behind us. There is more change to come in the world in April, and this is going to deliver unexpected turns and opportunities in your career. At first change may throw you into a state of confusion which can be unnerving for your controlling nature. However, TRUST that huge OPPORTUNITY awaits you on the other side. Your ability to inspire others is one of your greatest assets and now is the time to lean into how you can do that and leave behind a legacy for future generations you can be super proud of.

As a side note, your energy levels may be lower and your mood fluctuating with Mars in Cancer in your retreat sector all month. Be kind to yourself if you struggle to get things done. Prioritise taking time out in nature, meditation and journaling your creative ideas to keep you grounded. A little extra self-nourishment now will benefit you over the coming months.

Be sure to back up your technology and allow extra time for travel delays and miscommunication when Mercury retrogrades from April 21 to May 15, 2023. This emphasises the importance of taking time out to revise, rethink and redo in the area of your career. This is not a time to push, it’s a time to just “be” and tune into what you want to create moving forward. You’ll be firing on all cylinders by mid-May once Mercury stations direct and Mars moves into Leo.

On April 6, the Full Moon in Libra spotlights the importance of you speaking your truth. Whether verbally, in the written form or on social media. It’s about expressing yourself clearly and with heart. Equally this lunation highlights the importance of taking care of the details in order to be able to bring your dreams into reality. What small tasks have you been avoiding that are key to achieving your goals? Finally, if you are amidst any legal proceedings right now, it’s possible that they will come to the fore at this time or in the 2 week period after.

Mid month we enter the eclipse season which you are extra sensitive to given your ruling luminary, the Sun, is involved.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 20 is the second New Moon taking place in your Career sector in a row. This is a super RARE event. The invitation to launch off in new directions cannot be ignored. And given it’s an eclipse, be prepared for things to start anew in ways you couldn’t have predicted. Eclipses can throw life into chaos at first but eventually this leads to a new journey that is more closely aligned to your purpose.



Welcome to April Virgos!

The world is at a turning point right now and your curious and intelligent mind has been busy in the background preparing you for what is unfolding. Your thirst for knowledge and innate drive to make things “whole” whether “healing” people, animals, organisations or mother nature has led you on a purposeful learning quest over the last year. And much of this has been motivated by a search for meaning where you’ve discovered more answers in the esoteric and spiritual realms.

This month your discoveries are finding their way into how you “serve” or help others. Whether you’re in corporate, government, not for profit, education, or running your own business, you’re inspired to innovate and help others do the same. You see clearly how the world can change for the better.

April also delivers plenty of opportunities to deepen your understanding of yourself. You have been doing plenty of inner work healing old subconscious patterns of thinking and any issues or wounds around self-worth. And this month more moments of clarity about why you keep experiencing the same kinds of things in life arise. At the same time, this is an opportune time to look at your investments, check your insurances and visit the accountant.

Mid-month your ruling planet Mercury stations retrograde which will help you pause, reflect and rethink how you want to put all of your recent learning into practice. From April 21 to May 15 allow extra time for travel, back up your technology and be deliberately clear with your communication. This is not the time to sign important contracts – eg mortgages, employment offer letters and or financial transactions. If forced to, it’s highly likely you’ll have to redo at a later stage.

On April 6, the Full Moon in Libra spotlights your values, earning ability, cashflow, and assets. Intense feelings can arise around financial security and stability impacting your self-worth. Know that this is a moment in time and it’s not the truth. But use what comes up to help you get clear on what you want to create for the future.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 20 is the second New Moon taking place in your Investment sector in a row. This is a super RARE event. The invitation to launch off in new directions cannot be ignored. And given it’s an eclipse, be prepared for things to unexpectedly shift delivering the opportunity to start anew in ways you couldn’t have predicted. Eclipses can throw life into chaos forcing a change which more closely aligns you to your purpose in the long-run.



Welcome to April Librans!!

This month you can continue to enjoy an uplifting vibe derived from your most valued personal relationships and professional partnerships. Activate this energy by saying yes to any invitation that involves meeting new people – you’re more likely to attract like minded people you can do business with at this time.

This month fortune is also bestowed on your financial investments. You have the chance to make the most of unexpected changes in the markets and use them to your advantage. Equally it’s also a great month for understanding yourself and valuing your worth on a deeper level. Ask for that long-overdue pay rise if you’ve been putting it off. The last thing the company you’re working for wants is to lose a most valued team member. Especially as fear creeps into the market. And if something unexpected happens and your role changes, see it as an opportunity for you to grow and do more meaningful work in the world.

NB: Mercury is retrograde from April 21 to May 15 so allow extra time for travel, back up your technology and be deliberately clear with your communication. This retrograde you will have the chance to revise your investments and asset portfolio. Speak to your accountant and / or financial advisor to support you deftly working through money market changes.

On April 6, the Full Moon in Libra may bring up some intense feelings around your identity as well as any stress that exists in relationships. This lunation is a reminder of how important it is to find the right balance between making time to do things for you versus doing things for others. If you are naturally more of a giver, this lunation invites you to take a little more and vice versa.
Do ask others for help if you feel “alone” trying to resolve any intense issues.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 20 is the second New Moon taking place in your relationship sector. This is a super RARE event. The invitation to initiate new, healthier ways of being in a relationship. And given it’s an eclipse, be prepared for things to unexpectedly shift delivering the opportunity to start anew in ways you couldn’t have predicted. Eclipses can throw life into chaos forcing a change which more closely aligns you to your purpose in the long-run.



Welcome to April Scorpios!

Get ready for more reveals and changes. Your “letting go” story continues to be a big theme this month. And the good news is it’s all designed to have you experience more fun and joy in your primary relationships and professional partnerships.

For most of April, the Sun is illuminating your health, wellbeing and daily routine. A number of you Scorpios have been dealing with painful wounds around “worthiness” which has been impacting your health. This month you are deeply supported to heal this. Wise guidance is available to help you initiate new ways of being and boost your sense of self. In particular, take note of any “feel good” events that happen on either side and on the day of April 12th. With the Sun and Jupiter meeting up at this time they offer support for you to expand into a more wholehearted version of yourself. And yes, the world needs you to be that version of you as you are one of the most powerful healers in our society.

This month your ruling planet moves into your professional development sector. Take note of any “inkling” to learn and expand your mind in new directions. There’s a reason for this so don’t ignore it. Whether it’s a new course of study, engaging a coach or an international adventure, satiating that desire will be incredibly fulfilling.

Please mark your calendar from April 21 to May 15 to be extra mindful of your primary relationships. Mercury is retrograde in this part of your life which can be a time when secrets are revealed and / or old relationships come out of the woodwork. Be patient as issues come up to be dealt with. Do what you can to contain any protective jealous streak within you. Stay open and curious to hear other people’s perspectives. As always back up your technology, allow longer periods to commute and don’t sign any major binding contracts.

On April 6, the Full Moon in Libra may bring up some intense feelings about your very private side that you prefer to keep that way…. Secret. This lunation is a reminder of how important it is to take time out when you have been overloaded with work. Go gently with yourself if you feel exhausted and would prefer to hide from the world…. You need to do so to rejuvenate. During this lunation you may also be forced to look at where you potentially sabotage your success. Take note so you are less likely to repeat the pattern when you notice it coming up again.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 20 is the second New Moon taking place in your health and wellbeing sector. It’s a powerful time to reset your wellness intentions and bring in a new daily routine which has the right balance between contributing to the world and having fun!! NB it is an eclipse so expect the unexpected in this part of life. Should anything arise out of the blue, trust it’s ultimately showing you a more meaningful way to lead your life.



Welcome to April Sagittarians!!

This month your energy levels and desire to have fun gets a huge boost!!! This is good news as innately you have the gift of wisdom and an insatiable desire for adventure. With the Sun and Jupiter meeting up on April 12th, take note of any “feel good” events that happen around that time. They offer a clue as to what hobbies, games and creative pastimes support you to stay focussed on the present moment and experience life in a state of JOY.

The other skill set of yours getting a boost is your communication – except that it will be a much longer and deeper transformation period from 2024 to 2043. You’ll glean insights into what this means for you throughout April, May and early June this year when Pluto dips into Aquarius for a short period. Notice your drive to claim your power and speak your truth. This is important as the world needs to hear what you have to say.

This month Mercury retrogrades and there is an eclipse in your health and wellness sector. From April 21 to May 15 be extra mindful of taking your fitness and wellbeing seriously. This is a time when unexpected things can arise if you haven’t been paying enough attention to this part of your life. It’s also possible that there could be delays, glitches, miscommunication and contract issues at work. So, be sure to back up your technology, allow plenty of time for travel plans and don’t sign any important contracts that you need to last the test of time.

On April 6, the Full Moon in Libra may bring up some intense feelings about your workplace and/or friendship circles. This is a time to ensure you have the balance right between focusing on your own creations and spending time with others. If work has been pulling you away from your strengths and area of passion, you’ll deeply resent it. And if you don’t have an audience to offer your skillset to, you’ll experience deep frustration around that. Either way, it’s about recalibrating.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 20 is the second consecutive New Moon taking place in your creative and fun sector. Given it’s an eclipse, you may just get a flash of insight, a new idea or meet someone that helps you take your ideas out into the world. However it unfolds, it’s a time of the truth rising to the surface and seeing things in a new way.



Welcome to April Capricorns!

This month sees you finding ways to settle into new rhythms.

The primary focus is very much on the homefront – family, property and personal security. With the Sun and Jupiter meeting up in this sector of your chart, you have an invitation to set goals for this area of life which will unfold over the next 13 months.

But, you’ll also be settling into the changes that are occurring around your finances and your local neighbourhood. In particular, over the coming 3 years you have the opportunity to be a leader in your community, a voice of wisdom that can support people to take a long-term view on the changes that are taking place in society. Seek out new opportunities for you to express your opinion and take on leadership positions.

Later in the month Mercury retrogrades for the 2nd time this year activating your enjoyment sector. From April 21 to May 15 you have a window to review, revise and rethink what having fun looks like for you. All work and no play can be isolating short-term and depressing over the long-term. So, it’s time for you to lean into the parts of life that inspire you to be light-hearted and creative. With an eclipse also activating this, expect the unexpected. You never know when you might meet that special someone, make a new friend, start a new hobby, join a new art class or get to simply play for no reason and LOVE it!

On April 6, the Full Moon in Libra can trigger strong emotions around your career and role in society. If you have been spending too much time at work and not investing energy into your family and personal nourishment, you’ll be forced to look at what changes need to be made. Conversely, if you’ve been retreating or hiding from the world, this lunation invites you to get back into public life and be seen. Either way, your feelings about your place in the world and domestic security will be heightened.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 20 is the second consecutive New Moon in your family, property and personal security sector. Quite likely big reveals associated with these topics are possible. Eclipses have us see things in a new light. Whether it’s secrets being brought to light or huge personal AHa moments that help you reframe a given situation, trust that all new insights no matter how welcome or not are guiding you to align with your purpose in the long-term.



Welcome to April Aquarians!

This month, expect to continue adapting to new ways of being in the world. Some big shifts took place in March revealing themes and opportunities for growth over the coming 3 and 20 years!!! Most notably, you embody your personal power through commitment to mindfulness and spiritual practices. And if you haven’t started yet, trust me, it’s waiting for you. You’re traversing a huge upgrade journey.

April offers inspiration to communicate your professional messages to the world with the Sun and Jupiter lighting up this aspect of your professional life. It’s the ideal time to launch a social media campaign and get consistent with your marketing strategy. It’s also potent energy for researching online and in person through industry contacts and events. Some of you will be investigating new areas of learning to update your skills.

From April 11th to the end of the month, it’s important to direct your energies into exercise. Mars is moving into your health and wellbeing sector. If you’ve been neglecting your body due to work pressure, this is the month to commit to new routines. Synonymously don’t be surprised if you notice your needs at work changing. This could be as a result of changes in your environment or a shift in your internal awareness of what’s working and what’s not. Emotions are close to the surface, so prioritise self-care, nourishment and making time with friends/colleagues you trust.

Later in the month Mercury retrogrades (April 21 to May 15) giving you space to pause, revise, rethink and redo topics related to home, family and property. It could be as big as considering a move, selling/purchasing property or as small as decluttering and establishing new systems which streamline domestic life. It’s also a time for putting the focus on your immediate and extended family. It’s times like this you can hear from distant family members out of the blue.

On April 6, the Full Moon in Libra can bring up strong emotions around a course of study, international travel and / or events taking place on the world stage. You are being challenged to find a balance between rationalising the facts and integrating them into your version of spiritual practice. This is a great time to seek connection with mentors/wise elders to help you reframe your thinking.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 20 is the second consecutive New Moon in your research, communication, commuting and community zone. Quite likely big reveals associated with these topics are possible. Eclipses have us see things in a new light. Whether it’s secrets being brought to light or huge personal AHa moments that help you reframe a given situation, trust that all new insights, no matter how welcome, are guiding you to align with your purpose in the long-term.



Welcome to April Pisceans!

This month you’ll continue to be integrating huge shifts and upgrades in your energy field now that the planet of responsibility and hard work, Saturn, is getting comfortable into your sign. Over the next 3 years, you’ll feel a “slowing down” and restructuring in your life as well as rewards for the work you’ve been doing over recent years. If you’ve been putting in lots of effort applying yourself “behind the scenes”, expect the next 3 years to deliver an opportunity to step into public view, take on new responsibilities and be regarded for your knowledge and abilities. However, it won’t be overnight. This period in life requires patience and oftentimes changes to how you operate.

Meanwhile, April brings a boost to your finances with both the Sun and Jupiter delivering fortune. Whether it’s a renewed sense of self-worth, making changes to your work to better align with your values, a salary increase or new clients – it’s a period of knowing your value.

From April 11th to the end of the month your creative side is looking to come out to play. When you make time to have FUN, you receive a huge boost of energy as well as downloads of new ideas to take out into the world. This period may also have you direct your focus on children requiring more of your nurturing attention.

Later in the month Mercury retrogrades (April 21 to May 15) in your communication sector. Now that you’re putting yourself out into the world in new ways, it’s time to pause, revise, redo and rethink your messaging. You have an innate ability to support “healing” for both people and organisations. Tune into how you do that and share it publicly. The world needs your intuition and compassion more than ever now!!!

On April 6, the Full Moon in Libra can bring up strong emotions around money. It is spotlighting your shared assets and investments. This also highlights your employment agreements and remuneration. It’s a good time to book an appointment with your financial adviser and accountant to establish harmony in your finance portfolio. Equally this time can make you aware of subconscious patterns that hold you back personally and professionally. As we move into a time where conscious leadership is becoming non-negotiable, this is a great month to book in for support with a coach, healer or counsellor to help you better understand any hidden limiting beliefs or sabotaging behaviours.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 20 is the second consecutive New Moon in your finance sector. It’s all about new beginnings and planting seeds for your long-term future. What are you ready to initiate in this part of life? Eclipses have us see things in a new light. Whether it’s secrets being brought to light or huge personal AHa moments that help you reframe a given situation, trust that all new insights, no matter how welcome, are guiding you to align with your purpose in the long-term.

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