January Horoscopes

Happy New Year

2023 has finally arrived. And one thing’s for sure, it is going to be a very different year to the last 3. Amongst many things this year, new ways of living and working are going to settle in which will include a deep desire to work in a way that is authentic to who we are as individuals and find ways to purposefully make a difference. It is now understood that mindfulness practices are non-negotiable as more professionals appreciate that where their thoughts go informs the reality they experience.

In 2023 there will be some major planetary movements. Two key shifts we’ll all notice deeply due to their long-term visits to new signs relate to Saturn and Pluto.

Saturn, the planet of commitment, mastery and practicality will leave Aquarius after his 3 year journey through the fixed air sign which has put new structures in place in society. In March, Saturn enters the watery realms of Pisces where he will reside for 3 years. In Pisces, Saturn struggles to bring form. So the question that begs us all over this timeframe is “How do we create structures that allow for change and flow?” Pisces is a highly imaginative, creative and changeable sign that is very much associated with emotions and a yearning for spiritual connection. So from a professional perspective, we’ll likely see more creative ideas unfold to support a shift in perspective around living more sustainably, being aware that we are all interconnected and a realisation that we have to prioristise our emotional health to be valuable contributors in society.

Pluto, the planet of transformation and truth will dip his toe into Aquarius early in 2023 from March to June giving us a prelude to a new era which will last for 20 years starting in 2024. Pluto moves very slowly through the Zodiac, hence his association with deep transformation. Since he entered Capricorn in 2008, we have seen huge changes to the way we work, a dismantling of long held patriarchal power structures and global and political systems challenged. There is much conjecture amongst astrologers as to how this will play out, but themes of decentralisation of locus’ of power and the emergence of more democratic solutions that give more power to the individual and local communities are certainly on the rise.

But before these big shifts arise, January invites us all to SLOW right down, REVIEW our current position and put PLANS in place for the year ahead. As the New Year rolls around, there’s a natural propensity to contemplate the coming 12 months. But this January the energy to do so is particularly strong with both Mars and Mercury retrograde. Those of you with planets in Aries, Scorpio, Gemini and Virgo will feel a strong pull to throw up your career options and plot how you want them to land. But we will all feel this, given 1/3 of the Zodiac is impacted and it’s likely you’ll have been born with planets or chart angles in these signs.

By the end of the month, we have a rare occurrence of all planets in direct motion. Mars retrograde ends January 13 (good news for Aries and Scorpio), Mercury retrograde ends January 19 and Uranus ends his 5 month retrograde on January 23. This will bring a power surge of positive, “make things happen” energy. Something we can all be grateful for after the slow, burdensome energies we’ve been working and living through in October, November and December 2022. Depending on when you were born, these energies will offer different opportunities. To find out what’s in store for you more specifically, head to your Sign.

Wishing you an amazing year ahead full of clarity, impact and abundant flow!




Happy New Year and Welcome to 2023 Aries.

The year starts out with you contemplating your future direction in a major way. Firstly, Mars, your ruling planet is completing his 10 ½ week retrograde journey through Gemini giving you the opportunity to assess where and how you want to direct your energy over the next 2 years. And secondly Mercury, is retrograding through your Career sector inviting you to review, revise and rethink your professional dreams. What am I excited about building? How does my current career fit with my values? What is the right balance of work and time with my family? “What deeply satisfies me?” These are but a few of the kinds of questions running through your mind in early January that are important to pause and reflect on.

The Cancer Full Moon on January 7 is likely to stir emotions around these issues with the Moon falling in your family sector opposing the Sun in your professional domain. This is a powerful time for allowing yourself to let go of what you know in your heart is no longer serving you and those you live with in order to create space for something new to emerge professionally..

The New Moon in Aquarius on January 22 is ideal for setting goals around the kind of organisation and/or groups of people you want to work with.

When Uranus stations direct on January 23, new ideas or an unexpected opportunity could emerge to support your earning potential, especially if you were born between April 5 to 11.

The good news is, by month’s end, you’ll have renewed vigour and optimism and you’ll feel excited to take on new opportunities. With Jupiter traveling through your sign, you’re receiving a once in 12 year boost of expansion and abundance. This is a wonderful period for being recognised and appreciated for all that you do as well as for spreading your wings in new ways. Think back to what was happening from May to October 2022 for clues. This “boost” is available until May 17.



Happy New Year and Welcome to 2023 Taureans.

A fresh new year arrives beckoning you to align with your life direction but first up, the heaven’s have ordered you some rest and time for deep reflection and review.

Mercury is retrograde when the New Year arrives bringing you the opportunity to consider what you want to study and what travel adventures you’d like to embark on in 2023. Up until January 19 is a great time to sit down and dream about ways to expand your mind and contemplate the deeper meaning in life. Do some planning in these areas, set goals and they’ll pay dividends by year’s end in a very rewarding way.

Mars is completing his 10 ½ week retrograde journey through Gemini in your financial sector. The end of 2022 may have been a little up and down in this area of your life due to lower energy levels and dispersed focus, but when Mars stations direct on January 13, you’ll have renewed confidence and fresh ideas around making money.

The Cancer Full Moon on January 7 is likely to stir emotions around your neighbourhood, relationships with siblings and or how you communicate. You’re ready to head out into the world and experience some adventure as you’ve felt limited in these areas in the past couple of years. Release any blocks in these areas of your life to allow for growth and expansion

The New Moon in Aquarius on January 22 is activating your career sector. This is the ideal time for setting professional goals for the year ahead.

When Uranus stations direct on January 23, it can trigger new ideas and opportunities in life direction. It’s a great time for showing up as your authentic self in the world and marketing your professional offering. Invest in some new outfits and get some new professional photos taken to spruce up your public image. You’re ready to be seen !!!

The good news is, by month’s end, you’ll have renewed vigour and optimism and you’ll feel excited to take on new opportunities. And with Jupiter travelling through soul’s sector, your desire to deepen your connection with your intuition to embrace in your everyday is very powerful.



Happy New Year and Welcome to 2023!!!

A fresh new year arrives offering powerful shifts and restructures.

The year starts with the heaven’s ordering you some much needed rest and time for deep reflection. Since October 31, 2022 Mars has been retrograding through your sign having you juggle many balls in the air at once, more than you even you can handle!! Whilst you love nothing better than multi-tasking, the last few months have been a big stretch and circumstances have colluded to have you prioritise what matters most to you. The good news is when Mars stations direct from January 13, it helps bring you clarity of direction and renewed energy levels to go out and achieve your goals. By then you’ll know what you do and don’t want for yourself in the year ahead.

Mercury, your ruling planet, is also retrograde when the New Year arrives in your very private and mystical sector of shared resources. You’ll be considering who you want to collaborate with and how in the year ahead both personally and professionally. This part of your chart is also associated with endings and beginnings. You may well find that the death of someone or something adds new levels of personal understanding to your priorities and understanding of yourself. If need be, invest in a great counselor or healer to more deeply tune into your subconscious patterning which drives your behaviour.

The Cancer Full Moon on January 7 is likely to stir emotions around your financial well-being and highlight your relationship with money. Is it ruling you or do you have a healthy and abundant mindset around this topic?

The New Moon in Aquarius on January 22 is activating your study, travel, teaching and discovery sector. This is your annual opportunity to set goals related to these topics to ensure your curious mind is satiated all year.

When Uranus stations direct on January 23, it activates your spiritual exploration sector. This could highlight the importance and value to you in making time to rest and retreat on a daily basis to enable you to hone your intuition. Sitting still is not your usual status quo but when you tune into new ideas from sitting still, it has you realise the value in doing so.

And lastly, Jupiter, the planet of growth and abundance starts the year in your friends, networks and community sector bringing opportunities to expand these parts of your life. Take advantage of a busy social time to connect with old and new friends. It may also bring a fresh new career start in a new organisational setting. This period will last through to May 17.



Happy New Year and Welcome to 2023 Cancerians!!! The year ahead promises career expansion and opportunity for you to get clear on making choices that are right for you.

But as you enter the New Year, you are very much in a rest and review period. Since October 31, 2022 Mars has been retrograding through your very private and spiritual “personal retreat” sector. This has likely had you recognise the value of slowing down and spending time on your own yet you’ve had very little chance to do so as you’ve been juggling many balls in the air, including curve balls you didn’t see coming. So you are very much in need of deep rest for the first couple of weeks of 2023. Use this to revise, rethink and redo how you do “me time”. And to consider your ideal spiritual practice. Whether it’s meditation, walking solo on the beach or in the bush or resting listing to your favourite classical music, ask yourself how you best restore your energy levels and come back to centre. In doing so, it positively impacts your career and overall energy levels.

Mercury is also retrograde when the New Year arrives in your relationship sector. You’ve been deeply contemplating the meaning of close relationships since 2008 when Pluto entered your relationship zone. Later in 2023, Pluto leaves this part of your life and could bring new insight into trust in relationships and going to a deeper level. But for now, you’re contemplating who, how and why you want to partner with others personally and professionally in the year ahead.

The Cancer Full Moon on January 7 is likely to stir emotions around finding the right balance between your personal need to be out in the world and seen versus meeting the needs of your partner. Some frustration may exist here so go gently. What can you let go of in order to bring more to the relationship and to yourself?

The New Moon in Aquarius on January 22 brings opportunity to set investment goals. It’s also a powerful time to commit to doing “the inner work” over the course of the coming year. A wonderful time to engage a counsellor, psychologist or healer to support you to see yourself and your subconscious patterning more clearly. It’s a profound time for healing and expanding on a very deep spiritual level with your highest self.

When Uranus stations direct on January 23, it activates your network, friendships and community sector. Surprise meetings or unexpected but welcomed changes in these areas bring fresh vigour to life.

And lastly, Jupiter, the planet of growth and abundance is once again tracking through your Career sector bringing expansion and abundance. This period will last through to May 17.



Happy New Year and Welcome to 2023 Leos!!!

The year ahead potentially offers career expansion, travel and new financial commitments. But as you enter the New Year, you are very much in a rest and review period. Since 31 October 2022, Mars has been retrograding through your friendship, network and community sector having you contemplate these areas of life. What groups are you drawn to connect with? Who exactly is your tribe? These may have eluded you at the end of 2022, but when Mars stations direct on January 13, you’ll have renewed energy levels in this area of life and be clearer on which groups you feel drawn to be with and have the strongest alliance with. NB this includes the professional organisation you belong to.

Mercury is also retrograde when the New Year arrives activating your health, daily routine and professional responsibilities sector. This is the time to give yourself some much-needed rest and deeply review your priorities in these areas. What do you need in your every day to support you in creating your magic in the world in a sustainable way? You’re a powerhouse of creativity and inspiration but if your boundaries aren’t strong or you don’t have a plan, your light dims impacting you and others around you. So be sure to sit down and do some good planning and write out your health and business goals. It’s also the ideal time to declutter your workspace to make way for the new. This is available through to January 19 when Mercury retrograde ends.

The Cancer Full Moon on January 7 is likely to stir emotions around finding the right balance between your desire to be productive in the world and making time to rest and restore through meditation and/or compassionate service to others. You need both!!! What can you release from your daily schedule in order to make way for more down-time?

The New Moon in Aquarius on January 22 activates your relationships sector. It’s the ideal time to set goals around personal and professional partnerships you’d like to engage in in the year ahead.
When Uranus stations direct on January 23, it activates your career sector. Surprise meetings or unexpected but welcomed changes in these areas can bring fresh vigour to life.

And lastly, Jupiter, the planet of growth and abundance is once again tracking through your study, travel and discover sector illuminating your desire to make plans in these areas of your life. Jupiter is making this once in 12 year visit here through to May 17, 2023.



Happy New Year and Welcome to 2023 Virgos!!!

The year ahead offers you plenty of opportunity to get clear around what you want and need in all aspects of life. But as you enter the New Year, you are very much in a rest and review period. Since October 31, 2022 Mars has been retrograding through your career sector having you juggle numerous projects including ones you hadn’t expected. Your energy levels in this area are particularly frazzled so use the start of January to re-charge your batteries with plenty of sleep, good food, and minimising social commitments. You want to be fresh and raring to go when Mars stations direct on January 13. By then, you’ll have greater clarity around your career goals for the year ahead and will be excited to get on with them.

Mercury, your ruling planet is also retrograde when the New Year arrives which has you doubling down on making time to review, rethink and revise. If you need a declutter, now is the ideal time to do so!!! Mercury is activating your fun and romance sector. This is perfect for contemplating how you can bring more joy into your life. A powerful way to utilise this time is to reconnect with your “inner child”. What did he/she do for joy when she had not a care in the world. How did he/she like to spend her spare time most? This is available through to January 19 when Mercury retrograde ends.

The Cancer Full Moon on January 7 is likely to stir emotions around finding the right balance between making time to get creative and have fun versus socialising with friends or networking for business. What can you do to better nourish these aspects of your life?

The New Moon in Aquarius on January 22 is the ideal time to set health and wellbeing goals. It’s also the best time of the year to look at your daily routine and put in place structures that will sustain your mind, body and soul for the year ahead.

When Uranus stations direct on January 23, it activates your study, travel and discovery sector. Surprise meetings or unexpected but welcomed changes in these areas bring fresh vigour to life.
And lastly, Jupiter, the planet of growth and abundance is once again tracking through your investments sector bringing opportunity for financial wind-falls. The biggest planet in the sky will remain here until May 17 and won’t return again for another 12 years so use it wisely to re-work your investment portfolio.



Happy New Year and Welcome to 2023 Librans!!

The year ahead offers you opportunity to expand your connection with others as your personal and professional relationship sector receives a once in 12 year boost from Jupiter up until May 17.
But as you enter the New Year, you are very much in a rest and review period. Since October 31, 2022 Mars has been retrograding through your study, travel and discovery zone having you juggle plenty of projects at once. It’s been a busy time of mental and spiritual growth but it’s been exhausting. As Mars completes his retrograde journey through this part of your chart on January 13, you’ll have great clarity around which projects, study areas and travel adventures you want to commit to that will take your knowledge base to the next level. Don’t be surprised if teaching, mentoring or both are a part of the mix.

In addition, Mercury is retrograde when the New Year arrives which has you doubling down on reflecting, reviewing, rethinking and revising. In particular, this relates to your home and family life. What are your priorities there now? What would you like to foster in this area of your life? In doing so, you create a space for nourishing yourself and those you love. In turn, this offers you the energy and drive to go out into the world and succeed. NB this period lasts through to January 19 when

Mercury retrograde ends.

The Cancer Full Moon on January 7 is likely to stir emotions around finding the right balance between family and career. You have a strong emotional pull to succeed professionally at this time but to do so you need time out to reset and restore in a safe, loving and welcoming home. One requires the other.

The New Moon in Aquarius on January 22 is the ideal time to set goals to have fun and get romantic!!!! You’re a social creature who thrives on exchanging ideas with others. Use this lunation to set goals for the year ahead that you know will bring plenty of joy when you achieve them.
When Uranus stations direct on January 23, it activates your investment sector. Surprise endings and beginnings can occur at this time which may have you look deep into your soul. This is most likely if you are born around October 5 to 11.



Happy New Year and Welcome to 2023 Scorpios!!
The year ahead offers you opportunities in the area of partnerships and committing to having more fun.

But as you enter the New Year, you are very much in a rest and review period. Since October 31, 2022 Mars, your traditional ruling planet, has been retrograding through your investment and “understanding self” sector. It’s been a profound time of exploring where and how you want to invest your finances as well as a rich opportunity to delve into your own subconscious patterning in a deeper way. New levels of self-awareness are unfolding for you whether through loss or finding yourself in need of counselling or healing to address old wounds. Either way, when Mars completes his retrograde journey through this part of your chart on January 13, you’ll have greater clarity around where you want to place your resources, with whom and new levels of trust of self and others.
In addition Mercury is retrograde when the New Year arrives through to January 19 which has you doubling down on reflecting, reviewing, rethinking and revising. Topics of note for you include siblings, the neighbourhood you live in and writing. All of these are available for you to consider moving forward with in a different way this year.

The Cancer Full Moon on January 7 is likely to stir emotions around finding poise between your lower and higher minds or your mundane and spiritual minds. There’s a drive to find the right balance between learning, researching and writing with your need for travel, discovery, and broadening your philosophical understanding of the world.

The New Moon in Aquarius on January 22 is the ideal time to set goals related to home and family. If you have been contemplating purchasing a home or moving home, opportunities may avail around this time. Also sent intentions around how you want your home life to look throughout 2023.
When Uranus stations direct on January 23, it activates your professional and personal relationship sector. Surprise happenstances related to this topic can occur at this time especially if you were born around November 5 to 11.

And lastly, Jupiter, the planet of growth and abundance is once again tracking through your health and wellbeing sector The biggest planet in the sky will remain here until May 17 and won’t return again for another 12 years so use it wisely set up a daily routine that will sustain your mind body and soul so you can be productive and of service to the world for the coming 12 years.



Welcome to 2023 Sagittarians!!

The year ahead offers you increased levels of joy and creativity coupled with new responsibilities and routines as Jupiter, your ruling planet, tours through these sectors of your chart.

But as you enter the New Year, you are very much in a rest and review period. Since October 31, 2022 Mars, has been retrograding through your relationship sector having you review who you want to be partnering with personally and professionally. He’s also had you juggling multiple partnership responsibilities and as a result you’ve been reviewing what you want most out of your primary relationships. The good news is, when Mars completes his retrograde journey through this part of your chart on January 13, you’ll have greater clarity and positive movement around your partnership priorities.

In addition, Mercury is retrograde when the New Year arrives through to January 19 which has you slowing down to review, rethink and revise how you earn your income. Your self-worth, valuing your innate abilities and your earning capacity are top of mind. As such, you’re reflecting on practical ways to make changes to these aspects of your life not just for the year ahead but for the longer term.

The Cancer Full Moon on January 7 is likely to stir emotions around how you value yourself and how others do. This could play out in the professional landscape as differing needs between you and your employer or professional partners. Either way, it’s a time for releasing and letting go to make way for the new. Whether it’s a physical change or mental reframe, things are changing.

The New Moon in Aquarius on January 22 is the ideal time to establish your marketing and writing goals for the year ahead. A powerful way to do this is to create a broad-brush social media plan to ensure your personal brand and messaging is consistent and prominent throughout the year.

When Uranus stations direct on January 23, it activates health, wellness and professional responsibilities sector. It’s important that you have a sturdy routine that nourishes your mind, body and soul. If you haven’t been consistent in this area, then surprise happenstances can occur at this time especially if you were born around Dec 5 to 11.



Welcome to 2023 Capricorns and belated birthday wishes to those of you born in late December!!
The year ahead offers you a new 3 year era for self-development and personal mastery with your planetary ruler Saturn moving into this sector in your chart.

But as you enter the New Year, you are very much in a rest and review period. Since October 31, 2022 Mars, has been retrograding through your health, wellness and professional responsibility zone. You’ve been juggling plenty of diverse responsibilities and feeling as though it’s impossible to do any of them as well as you would ordinarily like to. By year’s end, your health and drive for work have taken a dip and you’ve been in desperate need for a big break. The good news is, when Mars completes his retrograde journey through this part of your chart on January 13, you’ll have greater clarity around health and wellbeing priorities as well as what you want to be responsible for professionally moving into 2023. Projects which stalled at the end of 2022 are likely to be back on the table from this date onwards too.

In addition Mercury is retrograde when the New Year arrives through to January 19 which has you slowing down to review, rethink and revise what it is that you want out of life. The focus of your mind’s attention is on you. Let yourself turn the focus within. Contemplate questions such as “How am I ready to expand and grow this year? What satiates my desires? How do I want to be recognised? What is my identity and purpose now that my world has changed so much? It’s important that you don’t make any big decisions or sign any important contracts until late January when Mercury resumes full speed ahead.

The Cancer Full Moon on January 7 is likely to stir emotions around relationships. Ask yourself, “How do I find the right balance between my needs and those of my personal and professional partnerships?” You may find yourself releasing outdated partnerships or alternatively a new relationship may be on offer.

The New Moon in Aquarius on January 22 is the ideal time to set your financial goals for the year ahead.

When Uranus stations direct on January 23, it activates your creativity, joy and romance sector. Moments of inspiration or chance romantic encounters may just arise at this time especially if you were born between January 5 to 11.



Happy New Year and Welcome to 2023 Aquarians!!

The year ahead offers you new ways to make an income and commitment to working in a way that strongly aligns with your values and being renumerated appropriately.

But as you enter the New Year, you are very much in a rest and review period. Since October 31, 2022 Mars, has been retrograding through your creativity and “good times” sector. You may well have bitten off more than you could chew with numerous creative projects and social commitments leaving your tank completely empty at the start of the year. However, this period has offered you the chance to reflect on what actually brings you joy in life. Children may also be a key influence whether your own and/or working with them. The good news is, when Mars stations direct on January 13 you’ll have greater clarity around where you want to invest your creative energies in 2023.
In addition, Mercury is retrograde when the New Year arrives through to January 19 which has you slowing down and retreating. This is a powerful time to reconnect with your soul’s urges. Use it to review and reset your mindfulness and spiritual practices that enable you stay in touch with your intuition.

The Cancer Full Moon on January 7 is likely to stir emotions around your responsibilities at work and finding the right balance to offer compassionate service in the world. You’re keener than ever to integrate your spiritual life into your professional life. So ask yourself what do you need to release in your daily routine that holds you back from taking time to retreat and be with yourself and your thoughts.

The New Moon in Aquarius on January 22 is your annual opportunity to reflect on your self-development goals and consider your person and professional brand. It’s your time to be “seen” and a great time to modernise your identity to bring in into line with the more mature and innovative version of you.

When Uranus stations direct on January 23, it activates your home-life sector. Unexpected happenstances to do with family or your home are possible especially if you were born between February 5 to 11.



Happy New Year and Welcome to 2023 Pisceans!!

The year ahead offers you new ways to take charge of your life by establishing plans you can stick to. This once in 28 year opportunity helps you get responsible for ensuring you can achieve your dreams over the long term.

But as you enter the New Year, you are very much in a rest and review period. Since October 31, 2022 Mars has been retrograding through your family and home sector. You’ve been juggling multiple projects on this front which has left you feeling energetically depleted and frazzled. The good news is, when Mars stations direct on January 13 you’ll have greater clarity around your family goals.

In addition, Mercury is retrograde when the New Year arrives through to January 19 which has you slowing down and retreating. He is tracking through your friendships, networks and community sector having you reflect on who your tribe is and what groups you’d like to be a part of in 2023.

The Cancer Full Moon on January 7 is likely to stir emotions around you embracing your creative side and confidently putting that out into the world. Use these emotions to evoke action. This is your time to deeply appreciate your ability to heal and transform others’ lives. You were born with an innate connection to the spiritual world and heightened intuition, this is your time to confidently strut your stuff!!!

The New Moon in Aquarius on January 22 is your annual opportunity to reflect on your personal spiritual goals. What are you willing to commit to in this part of your life so that you can grow in 2023 on the mental, physical and spiritual planes?

When Uranus stations direct on January 23, it activates your marketing sector. Use this week to put social media posts out sharing your professional offer.

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