How to Find Your Purpose and Live Your Passion

Every single one of us was born with a purpose to fulfill. However, it can be tough to try and figure it all out on your own without the help of a career coach. Sydney-based working professionals all go through a stage in life when they don’t know what to do with their path in life and need a mentor or coach to guide them.

If you’re unsure whether career coaching is right for you, don’t worry. You can still get a head start on finding the career you love. Here are some tips on how to find your purpose:

Remember What You Enjoyed as a Child

When we were younger, everything and anything seemed possible. We were only ever limited by our imagination. We never questioned the reality of our dreams; we simply allowed our hearts to guide us in the right direction.

Many of us have completely forgotten the joy and wonder of childhood. We no longer know what it’s like to do something simply because we enjoy doing so.

Tryto recall what you loved to do when you were a child. Then, think about what you enjoyed about those activities. Was it the freedom to be as creative as you wanted? Was it the fulfillment of building something from scratch and making it work as intended?

Do you remember what you wanted to be when you grew up? What was it about that job that appealed to you back then? Did you end up working in that profession, or did you go down a different path because you were told to be more realistic?

By finding the answers to these questions, you’ll be a step closer to finding a fulfilling, engaging career.

Take a Look Back at Your Past Experiences

Everyone has encountered some form of hardship in life. When these painful memories rise to the surface, our first reaction is usually to push them to the back of our minds. But instead of acting like our struggles never happened, we can instead, view our past as a learning opportunity.

Indeed, the circumstances you’ve gone through can help shape you into a better person-that is, they’ve formed the present ‘you.’ The challenges you’ve faced were not there to serve as a form of punishment. On the contrary, they were a part of your journey into becoming the best version of yourself.

So, take a look back at past events in your life.  Was there some insurmountable obstacle that you were able to overcome? What lessons did you learn along the way? Take note of your answers to these. Sharing your experiences can help provide guidance to others who are at the start of their own journey, one that is similar to yours. You never know whether helping others could be your life calling.

Give Yourself an Honest Assessment

Introspection isn’t something that comes naturally to a lot of people. Truly, many feel uncomfortable sitting in the silence of their own thoughts, trying to look deep inside themselves for the answers they’re seeking.

But to get those answers, you first need to take stock of what you currently have and what you need to work on. To find your life purpose, you need to form a complete picture of who you are and what you can do.

Take some time to think about your growth and development over the years. What are the skills and qualities you’ve managed to build up throughout your career? Are you happy with your current knowledge and skillset, or do you think you should push yourself a little more?

Based on your personal self-assessment, what type of career would be best suited for your current strengths? What career path will provide you with the growth you’re seeking?

Reach Out to Other People for Help

If you’re having trouble connecting the dots, it always helps to step back and take a look at the bigger picture. But sometimes, there are things you may still miss because you’re too close to the situation.

If this is the case for you, there’s no shame in asking other people for help. Family members, friends, and professional coaches all have completely different experiences from yours. As such, they also have unique perspectives about your situation. They may be able to help point out some qualities that you never even realised were there. By asking for their honest opinions, you’ll have more objective information that can lead you to the right path.

In Conclusion

Finding your purpose in life ultimately boils down to identifying the things that are most important to you. Unless you make your priorities clear, you’ll end up acting based on other people’s expectations and living a life that isn’t your own. What’s important is that you start now rather than later.

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