How Your Belief System Can Help You Stay Grounded During Uncertain Times

How Your Belief System Can Help You Stay Grounded During Uncertain Times

Your belief system influences almost every aspect of your life. Your personality, your habits, your decision-making process, even your sexuality are affected by what you believe in. In addition, your belief systems can help guide you on whom and what to trust. This is particularly important during times of uncertainty, when you’re experiencing an overload of …

How to Craft Your Ideal Work Life

How to Craft Your Ideal Work Life

When it comes to making career decisions, many people end up giving in to societal expectations to play it safe. Because of external pressure, they put their heads down and follow the crowd instead of taking risks and following their hearts. Many chase higher salaries and struggle to climb the corporate ladder, but eventually feel like …

5 Tips to Achieve a Fresh Perspective and Start A new

5 Tips to Achieve a Fresh Perspective and Start A new

At certain points in your life, you’ll be faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges. These can make you feel like giving up, especially if everything you’ve tried thus far hasn’t yielded positive results. You have to remember that there will be a solution to any problem that arises, and however bleak it may feel at the time, …

4 Questions to Help You Let Go of the Old and Pursue a New Career

4 Questions to Help You Let Go of the Old and Pursue a New Career

Have you ever felt like you’re stuck in a boring job or that you’ve been walking down the wrong career path? You’re not alone. In fact, a survey found that nearly 90 per cent of participants felt unengaged from their work. Imagine that: only one out of ten people actually love what they do for a …

The Power of Meditation and Journaling to Connect to Your Inner Wisdom

The Power of Meditation and Journaling to Connect to Your Inner Wisdom

  n these trying times, it can be difficult to imagine what lies ahead when the future seems so uncertain. However, it’s important not to let your fears take control of you. Instead, take this downtime as an opportunity to reflect on how to pivot from here. By allowing yourself to sit with your thoughts, you’ll …

8 Tips for Practicing Self-Care While Job Hunting

8 Tips for Practicing Self-Care While Job Hunting

Looking for work can be tough, especially if you’ve been looking for a while or are trying to break into a new career. That said, it’s important to take a step back every so often to see if you’re on the right path. This can also help you identify any self-destructive habits before it’s too late. …

5 Lessons We Learned in a Remote Work Set up

5 Lessons We Learned in a Remote Work Set up

COVID-19 has created an unprecedented crisis in our world today. With the rise of the number of infected so are the number of countries going on lockdown. People are mandated to stay indoors and as a result, a lot of offices have been forced to move to a remote work set up. Amidst these changes, we …

7 Reasons Why Your Friendship Tribe Is Vital to Your Professional Success

7 Reasons Why Your Friendship Tribe Is Vital to Your Professional Success

For the most part, one’s professional success depends on our own efforts. Our dreams create the vision for our future but then it’s our hard work that makes those visions a reality. To ensure we are equipped we need to invest in continuous learning to improve and acquire new skills. However, no man is an island. …

How Your Belief Systems Can Drive Your Career

How Your Belief Systems Can Drive Your Career

Everyone has their own belief systems, even when they don’t fully recognise it. In simple terms, a belief system is a set of truths or principles that are the basis of one’s actions and even morality. Your belief systems are like invisible forces that drive your behaviour and your career. They can impact your health, your …

What Are You an Expert In and What Can You Teach?

What Are You an Expert In and What Can You Teach?

If you truly want to reach your fullest potential, you have to be willing to share your knowledge. However, it’s also true that not everyone is hardwired for this. Some find it easier to share with friends and family but struggle when faced with teaching strangers. Indeed, standing in front of a group of students as …